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Bladespire Brute (Blade's Edge Mountains)

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Not to be confused with Bladespire Brute.
MobBladespire Brute
Image of Bladespire Brute
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 20-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bladespire clan
Location Blade's Edge Mountains
Status Killable

Bladespire Brutes are ogres located in Blade's Edge Mountains.


  • Bloodmaul Intoxication - Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 30% for 25 sec.
  • Cleave - Inflicts 110% of weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest ally.

Objective of


  • Bloodmaul Brew? Me favorite!
  • I'll crush you!
  • Me smash! You die!
  • Mmm. Me thirsty!
  • Ohh, look! Bloodmaul Brew! Mmmm...
  • Raaar!!! Me smash <race>!
  • Ugh... Me not feel so guud.
  • Wut's dis?

Patch changes

External links