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For the Island Expedition rare mob, see Blacksting (Island Expedition).
Image of Blacksting
Race Firefly (Beast)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zangarmarsh[49.6, 59.7]
Status Killable
Pet family Wasp

Blacksting is a firefly who flies around the northeast corner of Feralfen Village in Zangarmarsh (around location 50,59). It occasionally uses a debuff called "Black Blood" which prevents stealth, reduces stats by 10%, reduces damage taken by 10%, and turns your character solid black. It lasts 1 minute.


  • Spell shadow shadowpower.png Black Blood — Reduces an enemy's armor by 0 for 1 min. While affected, the target cannot use stealth or invisibility.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Fatal Sting — Stings an enemy and inflicts additional Nature damage every 2 sec. for 12 sec. Caster must be very badly wounded in order to cast this spell.

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