Bitter Departure

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NeutralBitter Departure
Start Injured Goblin Miner
End Ricket
Level 25-30
Category Storm Peaks
Rewards  [Snowblind Butcher],  [Garm's Ward],  [Daschal's Serrated Blade], or  [Twisted Reflection]
6g 80s
Previous N [25-30] Only Partly Forgotten


Escort the Injured Goblin Miner out of Crystalweb Cavern and then speak to Ricket at K3.

  • Escort the Injured Goblin Miner to K3.


Oi - thank you! I thought for sure I'd just be a spider snack. Perhaps I'm speaking a bit soon though - let's get the heck out of here!

Let me know as soon as you're ready to go... make it quick.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv sword 113.png [Snowblind Butcher] Inv staff 75.png [Garm's Ward]
Inv sword 110.png [Daschal's Serrated Blade] Inv weapon shortblade 67.png [Twisted Reflection]

You will also receive: 6g 80s


Thanks for helping out our miner back there, <name>! I should be able to put together an antidote no problem.

If you stumble into Tore again, tell her that she's a jerk for me, will ya?


The Goblin Miner runs, not walks, so make sure the path is clear and you're fully healed before telling him you're ready to go.

On accept:

Injured Goblin Miner says: Let me know when you're ready. I'd prefer sooner than later... what with the slowly dying from poison and all.


Let me know when you're ready. I'd prefer sooner than later... what with the slowly dying from poison and all.
Gossip I'm ready - lets get you out of here.

On reaching the mouth of the cave:

Injured Goblin Miner says: I'm going to bring the venom sack to Ricket... and then... you know... collapse. Thank you for helping me!


  1. N [25-30] Only Partly Forgotten
  2. N [25-30] Bitter Departure

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