Bitestone Fishbrul

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MobBitestone Fishbrul
Image of Bitestone Fishbrul
Gender Male
Race Drogbar (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bitestone
Location Bitestone Enclave, Highmountain
Status Killable

Bitestone Fishbruls are drogbar located in Bitestone Enclave in Highmountain.


  • Spell holy fistofjustice.png Stone Burst — Slams the ground, causing a stone fist to erupt from under an enemy, inflicting 250 Physical damage.
  • Inv fishing innards meat gulper.png Fillet — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.



Inv misc stoneoil.png [Murky Cavewater]
2g 50s
Inv misc fish 04.png [Raw Cavescale]
2g 50s

Objective of


  • Don't mess with the mountain!
  • Gonna enjoy guttin' you!
  • Lemme hear your bones crunch!
  • Puny karkun! Shouldn't be here!
  • Shan ronir! Go kiss a tauren!
  • The darkness gonna take you!
  • These are drogbar rocks! Drogbar stones!
  • We're takin' the mountain!

Patch changes

External links