Bitestone Enclave (quest)

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NeutralBitestone Enclave
Start Warbrave Oro
End Warbrave Oro
Level 10-45
Category Highmountain
Experience 15,050
Reputation +150 Highmountain Tribe
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous N [10-45] Grasp of the Underking, N [10-45] The Drogbar
Next N [10-45] Dargrul and the Hammer


Slay drogbar in the Bitestone Enclave.


This is an old drogbar enclave that we used to trade with. Now it is a base of operations for their raids.

I need more time to gather what is left of our warbraves. Go, enter the enclave, and slay any you find in there.

Buy us the time we need to gather our strength.


You will receive:


Highmountain stands!


Thank you for clearing us a path. We should have a straight shot at Dargrul now.


If you take the higher path to the right you can kill your way to a treasure chest.


  1. N [10-45] Grasp of the Underking & N [10-45] The Drogbar
  2. N [10-45] Bitestone Enclave
  3. N [10-45] Dargrul and the Hammer
  4. N [10-45] Get to High Ground

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