Bigger Trap, Better Rewards (Alliance)

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AllianceBigger Trap, Better Rewards
Start Homer Stonefield
End Homer Stonefield
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (100)
40g 80s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Bigger Trap, Better Rewards.


Use the Deadly Iron Trap to capture an Ironhide Bull, Direfang Alpha, or Wetland Trampler.


Good news, commander! With the materials we've gathered here in Draenor, we've been able to construct a trap strong enough to immobilize even the mightiest beast!

Why don't you head on out to Nagrand and give it a try? Word has it that the western plains are home to some of the most magnificent beasts this side of Crystal Lake.

I'm going to warn you, though, these beasts are tough. You may want to bring some friends along.


You will receive: 40g 80s


That must have been quite a fight, commander!

The materials we obtain from beasts of this magnitude will last us for quite a while.

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