Beremus the Overgrowth

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MobBeremus the Overgrowth
Image of Beremus the Overgrowth
Title the Overseer[1]
Gender Male
Race Genesaur (Giant)
Level 15-40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primals
Location Fertile Ground, Gorgrond
Status Killable

Beremus the Overgrowth is a genesaur located at the Fertile Ground in Gorgrond. It fights Sor the Eradicator.


  • Germinate - Creates 3 Botani Roottender.
  • Gripping Vines - Launches virulent spores, inflicting Nature damage, and creating Podlings and an area of overgrowth. Enemies in the overgrowth have their movement speed reduced by 40% and inflicts Nature damage every 0.5 sec.
  • Overgrowth - Launches virulent spores, inflicting Nature damage, and creating Podlings and an area of overgrowth. Enemies in the overgrowth have their movement speed reduced by 40% and inflicts Nature damage every 0.5 sec.
  • Rampant Growth - Stomps the ground, inflicting Physical damage to enemies and creates a zone of growth that heals allies every 3 sec.

Objective of

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