Battle of Hillsbrad (5)

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HordeBattle of Hillsbrad
Start High Executor Darthalia
End High Executor Darthalia
Level 28 (Requires 21)
Category Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 2300
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Wrath-Logo-Small.png+250 Undercity
Rewards 25s
Previous H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad
Next H [30] Battle of Hillsbrad


Kill Foreman Bonds and 10 Hillsbrad Miners and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.


The Hillsbrad Town Registry indicates that the Azurelode Mine is under Alliance control. Furthermore, the mine is a prime source of iron ore for the Alliance armories.

Even though we've struck a decisive blow to the town of Hillsbrad, the Alliance still supports and protects the Azurelode Mine fervently.

The mine lies due south of Hillsbrad. Go there and slay the foreman, a human by the name of Bonds. Kill his miners as well. That should send a clear message to the Alliance.


You will receive:


You were given direct orders to attack the Azureload[sic] Mine.  Your reasons for loafing about Tarren Mill better be good or I will behead you for treason.


The Dark Lady will be pleased when she learns that she has a new mine from which she can arm her soldiers.


  • The mine can be found south of Hillsbrad Fields and west of Southshore. There are guards outside the mine protecting it.
  • Foreman Bonds can be found deeper in the mine in a large room with a platform. When Bonds gets low on health, he'll summon 2 dwarves to help him fight.
  • The text originally contained typo of "Azureload". Two out of three instances were corrected to "Azurelode" at some point.


  1. H [24] Battle of Hillsbrad
  2. H [25] Battle of Hillsbrad
  3. H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad
  4. H [26] Battle of Hillsbrad
  5. H [28] Battle of Hillsbrad
  6. H [30] Battle of Hillsbrad
  7. H [32] Battle of Hillsbrad (Classic) / H [32] Battle of Hillsbrad (WotLK Classic)

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