Bank (Shattrath)
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Shattrath City has two banks based on the outer rim of the Terrace of Light. The bank in the southeast is controlled by the Scryers, and the one on the northwest is controlled by the Aldor. Alliance and Horde can access either bank, but a player associated with the Scryers cannot access the bank controlled by the Aldor, and a player associated with Aldor cannot access the bank controlled by the Scryers.
- Gromden <Banker>
- Mendorn <Banker>
- Vindicator Aeus
- Haldor the Compulsive <Aldor Apothecary>
- Quartermaster Endarin <Aldor Quartermaster>
- Scribe Saalyn <Aldor Inscriptions>
- Auctioneer Itoran <Alliance Auctioneer>
- Auctioneer Braku <Horde Auctioneer>
- L'lura Goldspun <Banker>
- Berudan Keysworn <Banker>
- Arcanist Raestan
- Arcanist Xorith <Scryer Apothecary>
- Quartermaster Enuril <Scryer Quartermaster>
- Scribe Veredis <Scryer Inscriptions>
- Auctioneer Kalaren <Alliance Auctioneer>
- Auctioneer Lyrsara <Horde Auctioneer>