Bai-Jin the Butcher

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MobBai-Jin the Butcher
Image of Bai-Jin the Butcher
Title <Shao-Tien Imperion>
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shao-Tien
Location The Five Sisters, Vale of Eternal Blossoms [17.0, 48.6]

Bai-Jin the Butcher is a rare mogu in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

Criteria of

Killing Bai-Jin the Butcher is part of the achievement  [One Many Army].


  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Decapitating Strike 0 yd range — Deals massive Physical damage and knocks back all enemy targets within 5 yards in front of the caster. 3 sec cast.
  • Spell fire soulburn.png Decimate 40 yd range — Inflicts Fire damage equal to 50% of the target's current health. 3 second cast. Interruptible. (10 sec cooldown)
  • Spell fire burningspeed.png Blazing Speed 0 yd range — Fills the target with power, increasing its casting speed by 30% and movement speed by 30%. Instant. Dispellable.


Move behind Bai-Jin while he is casting his Decapitating Strike, interrupt or reflect his Decimate to avoid massive damage, and dispel or [Spellsteal] his Blazing Speed.

Patch changes

External links