Baby Blizzard Bear

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Warcraft's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section was exclusively part of WoW's 4th Anniversary. It was not carried over into future events and is no longer available.
An adorable Baby Blizzard Bear companion.

Baby Blizzard Bear is a baby polar bear companion sent to all World of Warcraft players who logged into the game on 23 November 2008 to celebrate  [WoW's 4th Anniversary]. It is likely that a polar bear was chosen to also celebrate WoW's foray into the live Wrath of the Lich King content. This pet binds to your account, so you can mail it to your other characters on the same server. Each existing character will receive the pet in the mail, so you can delete it from your bags after you have "trained" the bear into your Pets/Companions tab. Keep one for future characters if you wish.


This pet was a reward for logging in during  [WoW's 4th Anniversary].

Pet Journal

This rare bear is bred for its small size and perpetually youthful appearance.

beast Beast: Deals 25% extra damage below half health.
+50% damage from Mechanical -33% damage from Humanoid
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
[Bite] [Bash] [Maul]
▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
[Roar] [Hibernate] [Call Blizzard]
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20

Accompanying letter

Those who signed on during the anniversary received an in-game mail from The WoW Dev Team:

WoW's 4th Anniversary!

Did you know that the World of Warcraft is now four years old?

We wanted to send you something to say thanks for sharing this game with us. Sure, the 4th anniversary present is traditionally "flowers"... but in WoW, it's "bear".

With that said, please accept this furry little friend! Just remember to hold his fish by the tail, not the body... that mouth is bigger than it looks.

The WoW Dev Team


  • Unique to this pet, from Poley, is that when idle it will sometimes sit.

Patch changes

External links

Item Battle pet