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Main article: Opera Hall: Beautiful Beast
Image of Babblet
Title <Head Maid>
Gender Female
Race Animated object (Mechanical)
Level 47 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Return to Karazhan

Babblet is an animated broom in Return to Karazhan.


  • Spell holy persuitofjustice.png Eminence — Upon defeating one of the castle servants, the surviving members are fully healed and gain 25% damage done for the rest of the fight. This effect stacks.
  • Inv misc dust.png Severe Dusting — Babblet focuses a player and sweeps towards them, inflicting 7734 Nature damage and blinding them for 4 sec if she catches up to them.
  • Ability fixated state red.png Severe Dusting — Babblet focuses a player and sweeps towards them, inflicting 37 Nature damage and blinding them for 4 sec if she catches up to them.
  • Inv misc firedancer 01.png Sultry Heat — Colliding with a Burning Blaze heats up Babblet, increasing her movement speed by 250% for 6 sec.


  • Only beauty... can kill... a brute...

Patch changes

External links