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Image of Azmogal
Gender Male
Race Annihilan (Demon)
Level 10-55 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Theater of Pain, Maldraxxus
Status Killable

Azmogal is an annihilan located at the Theater of Pain in Maldraxxus.


  • Inv sword 1h artifactfelomelorn d 03.png Fel Armament — Demonic Fel empowers the caster, causing attacks to inflict additional Fire damage but reducing the movement speed of the caster by 60% for 20 sec.
  • Spell fire felfire.png Soul Fissure — Inflicts Fire damage to all enemies within 3 yards of the impact.
  • Spell fire felcano.png Soul Fissure — Azmogal strikes the ground with demonic force, opening soul fissures inflicting Fire damage to players and knocking nearby players back.
  • Spell shadow possession.png Terrifying Chaos — Azmogal terrifies nearby enemies, forcing them to flee in fear and suffering 12 Shadow damage every 1 sec. for 6 sec.


Objective of


You insignificant fleas offer me no challenge!


Patch changes

External links