Azerite Surge

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Azerite Surge
Inv misc questionmark.png
  • Azerite Surge
  • Earthen racial
  • 2 min cooldown
  • 2.5 sec empower
  • Draw upon your inner strength. Release to invoke the power of Azerite to harm your foes and aid your allies.

    Empowering has the following effects:

    I: Deals (200% of Attack power) Fire damage.

    II: Heals allies for (100% of Attack power).

    III: Deals (75% of Attack power) additional Fire damage to the highest health enemy.
Class All
Race Earthen
School Fire
Cooldown 2 minutes

Azerite Surge is an active racial ability for earthen. It deals damage to nearby enemies and heals nearby allies based on its empower level. The longer the caster channels it before releasing, the more effects it gains.

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