Ayada the White

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AllianceAyada the White
Image of Ayada the White
Title <Enchanter>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Location Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Status Alive

Ayada the White is a human enchanting vendor located in the Enchanter's Study at Lunarfall in Shadowmoon Valley. For enchanters, she sells new formulas. For non-enchanters, she enchants items instead.


Item Cost
Enchanting items and formulae
 [Enchanting Vellum] 9s
 [Draenor Enchanting] 100g
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Critical Strike] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Haste] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Mastery] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Breath of Versatility] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Critical Strike] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Haste] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Mastery] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Gift of Versatility] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Critical Strike] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Haste] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Mastery] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Breath of Versatility] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Critical Strike] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Haste] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Mastery] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Neck - Gift of Versatility] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Critical Strike] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Haste] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Mastery] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Gift of Versatility] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of the Thunderlord] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Warsong] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of the Frostwolf] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Shadowmoon] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Blackrock] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mark of Bleeding Hollow] 5 Secret of Draenor Enchanting
 [Formula: Tome of Illusions: Draenor] 1 Secret of Draenor Enchanting




How may I help you today?

Enchanting goods
Gossip I want a new recipe for myself.

Patch changes

External links