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For the object, see Avarice (Revendreth).
Image of Avarice
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 50
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Occupation Thief
Location Elwynn Forest[48, 13]
Status Alive

Avarice is a human located in Elwynn Forest. He is the leader of a group of bandits, and is accompanied by four Opportunistic Bandits, two of which sport red bandana, implying that they all are from the Defias Brotherhood.

During the Fourth War, he and his group stole a stash of extremely rare leathers from Telonis, and left a note to invite the night elf to buy the leathers at a specific meeting place, in the foothills behind Stormwind Keep. Later, Avarice and his group met an Alliance adventurer sent by Telonis. Depending on the discussion choices, Avarice and his group are defeated or are paid to return the leathers. In the later case, they leave without causing any problems to go for a drink in Stormwind City.[1]


  • Spell nature nullifypoison.png Deadly Poison — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy every 3 seconds for 15 sec.
  • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice.png Sinister Strike — Inflicts 110% weapon damage to an enemy.

Objective of


Main article: Telonis' Prized Leather#Notes

Patch changes

See also


External links