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Auditor Balwurz

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NeutralAuditor Balwurz
Image of Auditor Balwurz
Title <Keeper of Renown>
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 80 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Council of Dornogal
Location Foundation Hall, Dornogal
Status Alive

Auditor Balwurz is an earthen located in the Foundation Hall in Dornogal.


Inv misc questionmark.png Chiseled Boulder Crushers
Inv misc questionmark.png Chiseled Boulder Pauldrons
Inv misc questionmark.png Gem Waded Footwraps
Inv misc questionmark.png Gem Waded Shoulderpads
Inv misc questionmark.png Jewel-Etched Alchemy Notes
Inv 10 specialization professionbook blacksmithing orig.png [Jewel-Etched Blacksmithing Notes]
Inv 10 specialization professionbook enchanting color1.png [Jewel-Etched Enchanting Notes]
Inv 10 specialization professionbook tailoring color2.png [Jewel-Etched Tailoring Notes]
31g 25s
Inv misc questionmark.png Loamy
Inv misc questionmark.png Mineral-Sparkled Mantle
Inv misc questionmark.png Mineral-Sparkled Sandals
Inv misc questionmark.png Ore-namental Sabatons
Inv misc questionmark.png Ore-namental Spaulders
Inv misc questionmark.png [Shale Ramolith]
Inv misc questionmark.png [Smoldering Cinderbee]

Patch changes

External links