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Assistant Ulo'vix

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NeutralAssistant Ulo'vix
No image available
Title <Alchemy Training & Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Ascended nerubian (Humanoid)
Level 80
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location City of Threads
Status Alive

Assistant Ulo'vix is an ascended nerubian located in the City of Threads.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.

Inv misc questionmark.png Dilution Solution
Inv misc questionmark.png Gilded Vial
Inv misc shovel 01.png [Herbalist's Spade]
Inv misc questionmark.png Inscrutable Fragrance
Inv misc questionmark.png Pattern: Concoctor's Clutch
Inv misc questionmark.png Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian
Inv misc questionmark.png Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian
Inv 10 specialization professionbook alchemy orig.png [Theories of Bodily Transmutation, Chapter 8]
Inv misc questionmark.png Vizier's Influence




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