Assault on Menethil Keep

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AllianceAssault on Menethil Keep
Start Captain Stoutfist [10.4, 55.6]
End Captain Stoutfist [10.4, 55.6]
Level 10-30
Category Wetlands
Experience 1,400
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards  [Flarecrazed Cloak]
or  [Stoutfist Breastplate]
or  [Wand of Infectious Dementia]
or  [Stoutfist Chainmail]
or  [Stout Fist]
Next A [10-30] Swiftgear Station


Kill Horghast Flarecrazed.


We'd barely pulled ourselves together after the flood when the Dark Iron hit the town. My men and I all rushed to defend the townsfolk, but the crazed fools retreated right into the keep itself.

They're holed up good, and we can't destroy the keep. Not with half the town in ruins already.

Take my place, <name>. I'd take the leader on myself if he hadn't dealt me this blow. Enter the keep, slay Horghast, and bring this to an end!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 18.png [Flarecrazed Cloak] Inv chest cloth 45.png [Stoutfist Breastplate]
Inv wand 34.png [Wand of Infectious Dementia] Inv chest cloth 45.png [Stoutfist Chainmail]
Inv gauntlets 11.png [Stout Fist]

You will also receive:


Is he dead? Is Horghast dead?


He's dead! Thank the Makers...

I don't like the looks of them, lad[sic]. The Dark Iron I've tussled with were never this crazy. Something's getting to these sods...


  1. A [10-30] Onwards to Menethil (optional breadcrumb from Slabchisel's Survey)
  2. Complete all of:
  3. A [10-30] Swiftgear Station (optional breadcrumb to Swiftgear Station)

Patch changes

External links