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Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Lordaeron, Tirion Fordring
Occupation Captain of the guard of Mardenholde Keep
Location Unknown
Status Unknown
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Arden was the captain of the guard of Mardenholde Keep and one of the closest friends of governor Tirion Fordring of the principality of Hearthglen. However, prior to the Third War, when Tirion fell from grace as a result of trying to save the orc Eitrigg's life, Arden sought to convince his old friend to renounce his allegiance to the orc and place his responsibility to his family and his subjects over the paladin's code of honor.

After Tirion's trial, when the jury of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, Archmage Antonidas, Archbishop Alonsus Faol and Prince Arthas Menethil excommunicated him and sentenced him to exile, Arden escorted his former governor to Mardenholde Keep, where he was placed under house arrest pending his exile. However, Tirion's message of placing honor above everything resonated deeply with Arden - and, in the end, he came to understand why Tirion made the choices he did. When Tirion attempted to escape from Mardenholde Keep to save Eitrigg from execution, Arden confronted him in the stable yard; however, instead of stopping Tirion, he let his old master flee.

Years later, Arden was present in a ceremony in which Taelan Fordring became a paladin. The two had became good friends during the exile of Tirion. When the ceremony was over, Arden turned around only to see Tirion in disguise. He did not take any action against him, in fact, he was glad to see him.[1]

His status afterwards is unknown.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

As he hasn't been mentioned, nor is he present in the rebuilt Hearthglen, Arden may have died during the battles against the Scourge.
