Annalise Lerent

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Love is in the Air
The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
NeutralAnnalise Lerent
Image of Annalise Lerent
Gender Female
Race Ghost (Humanoid)
Level 5
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Alterac Mountains
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Staffron (husband)

Annalise Lerent was the deceased wife of Apothecary Staffron Lerent. She appeared after completing B [80] The Source Revealed in the Alterac Mountains during Love is in the Air.


Annalise Lerent says: Staffron...
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: Annalise? Is that you?
Annalise Lerent says: My dear Staffron, have you forgotten what it is to love? The love that we once shared?
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: Have I forgotten? Of course I have... I have forgotten about love, happiness... of life itself.
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: But I do know this - love makes the heart and body weak. It can be exploited. Without your love, I have only my work, Annalise.
Annalise Lerent says: But of course I love you, Staffron. And it pains me to see you suffer so.
Annalise Lerent says: I pledge my love to you forever. Death cannot erase that, even as I am sure that you still remember your love for me.
Annalise Lerent says: And if you do not, then I am truly lost.
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: How could you love me, Annalise? Look at me. I am not the man you once knew.
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: Annalise? Annalise! No, don't leave me!
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: Annalise... You're right. I-I can't do this. I must find another way.
Apothecary Staffron Lerent says: You there. You're welcome to take the contents of my cauldron. It was to be the second stage of my plan - amorous clothing.

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