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Anger in a Bottle

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AllianceAnger in a Bottle
Start  [Foul-Smelling Flask]
End Sergeant Calvin
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Look Out!, A [30-60] Boaring Company


Collect 10 Foul-Smelling Samples.



<The bottle the quilboar was carrying contains a foul-smelling, orange liquid. You're not sure if it's safe to drink, but it can't hurt to gather some samples to bring back to the citizens of Brennadam.

Maybe their alchemist can come up with an antidote to counter its effects.>


These quilboar are tougher than normal and I think I found out why.

They carry vials of some sort, filled with this nasty orange liquid. They'll quaff it and gain tremendous strength and stamina.

I'll bet if we get some of it Hobbs could whip up a counter-agent, or whatever it is that alchemists do. Either way, deprive them of their strength potions and it'll make getting around here easier!


You will receive:


Do you have something for me?


This stuff smells awful. Maybe Hobbs will know what to do with it. Once we get out of here I'll make sure these samples get to him.


While in the Briarback Kraul for A [30-60] Look Out! and A [30-60] Boaring Company, any quilboar in the area will drop the  [Foul-Smelling Flask], which starts this quest.

Keep killing quilboar until ten drop.


Optional breadcrumb in Brennadam: A [30-60] There's Gold in Them There Fields

  1. A [30-60] A Pocketful of Shells & A [30-60] A Reason to Stay
  2. A [30-60] Goldfield's War
  3. A [30-60] Golden Fields Forever
  4. A [30-60] Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty & A [30-60] Stop Vining!
  5. A [30-60] Farming Stimulator
  6. A [30-60] Deal's Off
  7. A [30-60] Look Out! & A [30-60] Boaring Company & A [30-60] Anger in a Bottle
  8. A [30-60] War Pigs & A [30-60] Run For the Hills
  9. A [30-60] Terror of the Kraul
  10. A [30-60] A Question of Quillpower

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