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Ancient Highborne Tome

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Ancient Highborne Tome

Ancient Highborne Tomes are tomes found in Azsuna.



Queen Azshara's pact with the demon lord Sargeras went mostly uncontested by her subjects. One of the few that dared to defy her was Prince Farondis.

As one of the queen's trusted advisors, Farondis was in regular contact with the Highborne of Zin-Azshari, but his palace in Azsuna was several leagues away from the elven capital. As such, he was able to witness Sargeras' influence on the Highborne court without falling sway to the demons' temptation.


Farondis' plan was bold, but simple: destroy the Well of Eternity in Zin-Azshari. Doing so would close the portal to Sargeras' realm and stem the tide of evil before it even started. In order to accomplish this task, he would use the power of an artifact stored deep within Nar'thalas Academy: The Tidestone of Golganneth.

Unfortunately, the queen's influence in Farondis' palace was already deep-seated. Vandros, a young noble in Farondis' court, caught word of Farondis' plans to defy the Queen, and reported the insurrection to Queen Azshara herself.


Azshara wasted no time in punishing Farondis and his people. In a frightening display of arcane power, she destroyed the Tidestone of Golganneth, and in doing so, released a wave of dark energy over all of Azsuna and its inhabitants.

Since that day, the elves of Azsuna have been unable to experience the release of death. Their spirits - our spirits - wander the land indefinitely... all because of our prince's unwise allegiances.

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