Anaya Dawnrunner

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MobAnaya Dawnrunner
Image of Anaya Dawnrunner
Gender Female
Race(s) Night elf (banshee) (Undead / Humanoid)
Level    Retail: 5-30, 60
Classic: 16
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Kaldorei Empire
Location Bashal'Aran, Darkshore;[48, 36] Spirit resides in Dreamsong Fenn, Ardenweald[38.43, 39.70]
Status Active
Relative(s) Cerellean Whiteclaw (lover)

Anaya Dawnrunner was night elf ghost found in Darkshore, her spirit resides now in Ardenweald.


Anaya chilling in Dreamsong Fenn.

Before the War of the Ancients, 10,000 years ago, Anaya Dawnrunner maintained a personal relationship with a druid named Cerellean Whiteclaw. However, during the war, Anaya's home city of Ameth'Aran was left in ruins, and Anaya was killed.

Anaya's spirit was left to haunt the ruins of Ameth'Aran, while Cerellean hibernated in sorrow. Upon awakening and discovering Anaya haunting the ruins, Cerellean determined that it was necessary to destroy her spirit, but was too sentimental to do so himself. An agent in the employ of Cerellean Whiteclaw was sent to destroy her, ultimately freeing her.

Once Anaya's spirit was freed, her ghost visited Cerellean briefly, to reiterate her love for him, to quell his doubts, and to express her confidence that they would be truly reunited in their afterlife. It seems that Cerellean remained most sorrowful, at least for a time.

After her spirit was freed, she was sent to Ardenweald, where she took on a nightsaber soulshape. She can be found in Dreamsong Fenn.


  • Spell nature drowsy.png Banshee Curse — Reduces an enemy's chance to hit for 12 sec.

Objective of


On death:

Finally, my soul may rest... Oh, dearest Cerellean...


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Anaya shares her name with two blood elves, Lieutenant Dawnrunner and Eldara Dawnrunner. Considering that Anaya died in the aftermath of the battle at the Well of Eternity, it is possible that she could be a distant relative of the blood elf lieutenant, possibly an ancestor.

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png Patch 9.0.2 (2020-11-17): Spirit now present in Ardenweald.
  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Changed from level 16 to level 12 and moved from Ameth'Aran to Bashal'Aran.

External links

Classic Cataclysm Shadowlands

es:Anaia Correalba