An Unholy Alliance (2)

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For the Classic version, see H [36D] An Unholy Alliance.
HordeAn Unholy Alliance
Start Bragor Bloodfist
End Bragor Bloodfist
Level 36 (Requires 28)
Type Dungeon
Category Razorfen Downs
Experience 9,210
Rewards  [Skullbreaker]
or  [Nail Spitter]
or  [Zealot's Robe]
Previous H [36D] An Unholy Alliance


Bring Ambassador Malcin's Head to Bragor Bloodfist in the Undercity.


Supposedly this Malcin is outside Razorfen Downs. There's no question - he has to die.

My contacts in Orgrimmar tell me their scouts have found signs of the Plague down there. The quilboar are showing signs of being plagued, too; they're much more powerful. Whatever the Scourge are doing down there needs to end. Now.

Find this Malcin and kill him. Report back here when he's dead.


One of the following:
Inv misc bone dwarfskull 01.png [Skullbreaker] Inv weapon rifle 01.png [Nail Spitter]
Inv chest cloth 06.png [Zealot's Robe]

You will also receive:

  • 20s
  • 9,210 XP


Did you find the Ambassador, <name>? Did you kill him?

I will not have the Scourge gain a foothold in Kalimdor. We've fought too hard to allow them easy access to our cities.

At least their crone still numbers among the living. She might be stupid enough to allow the Scourge in her home, but she must have sense enough to know she'd lose everything if she took the 'power' they offer.


Good work, <class>!

You've done the Horde proud by stopping the Scourge from setting down roots on our soil. An act like that deserves a reward, and the Forsaken have enough lying around that I'm sure they can spare a few things.

We may not know everything they've done in the Downs, but we'll find out. They can't slink around in the dark forever.


  1. H [36D] An Unholy Alliance
  2. H [36D] An Unholy Alliance

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