An Unholy Alliance

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For the Classic version, see H [36] An Unholy Alliance.
HordeAn Unholy Alliance
Start  [Small Scroll]
End Bragor Bloodfist
Level 36 (Requires 28)
Type Dungeon
Category Razorfen Downs
Experience 9,210
Rewards 40s
Next H [36D] An Unholy Alliance


Take the Small Scroll to Bragor Bloodfist in the Undercity.


My Lady,

You know very well what it is we are offering. The opportunity for you to take the Barrens and the lands beyond is a great one. We simply want your aid in return. By aid we mean nothing more than your giving us the freedom to take action in the area.

Please, allow us to discuss this further. We have great power and are willing to share with those wise enough to join us. I will remain outside Razorfen Downs for the time being.

Best Regards,

Ambassador Malcin


You will receive:

  • 40s
  • 9,210 XP


What do you want, <name>? This had better be important.


I've seen the insignia on this scroll before during my time in Northrend. You say this was on that crone who leads the pigs in Razorfen Kraul?

I'll be damned if I'm going to let the Scourge get a foothold here. The one who wrote this - this Malcin - is one of the Lich King's servants, obviously, and that makes him a target. Your target.

They're not going to take Kalimdor.


  1. H [36D] An Unholy Alliance
  2. H [36D] An Unholy Alliance

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