An Embarrassing Incident

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NeutralAn Embarrassing Incident
Start Pilot Vic
End Pilot Vic
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 21400
Rewards 6g 50s
Next N [20-30] Reconnaissance Flight


Look for Vic's Keys inside the lake at River's Heart.


There's one little problem we have to solve before we head out. You see, I can't seem to find the keys to my flying machine.

I've looked pretty much everywhere for them... maybe you can give me a hand. Only place I haven't looked yet is inside the lake.

I'll even give you my very own air tank. It's almost empty, but it's got a couple of hits left.


You will receive: 6g 50s


You find anything yet, <name>?




Dive into the lake and look for Raised Mud. Opening them may spawn a Siltslither Eel instead of getting the key.


  1. N [20-30] An Embarrassing Incident
  2. N [20-30] Reconnaissance Flight

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