An Audience With The Archmage (Alliance)

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AllianceAn Audience With The Archmage
Start Foreman Eksos [69.9, 20.8]
End Archmage Khadgar [75.0, 31.2]
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 1,420
Rewards 1g 30s
Previous A [20-40] At Your Command
Next A [20-40] Making Acquaintances
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] An Audience With The Archmage.


Speak to Archmage Khadgar in Talador.


I'm pleased to report that your Arcane Sanctum is up and running, commander!

Everything is exactly as the blueprint says... except for this note Baros scrawled on the bottom. "Don't forget to connect the sanctum to the ley line network!"

Commander, I'm a foreman, not a mage. I... have absolutely no idea how to do that.

We've found Archmage Khadgar and some other Kirin Tor not far from here. To the east, near the mountains. Perhaps we should ask them for a hand?


You will receive: 1g 30s


On approach:

Cordana Felsong says: Very well. I'll meet you there. Stay safe.
Cordana Felsong drops into stealth and heads away from Archmage Khadgar.


Ah, so you've built an Arcane Sanctum! Splendid!

Troubles connecting to the ley line network, I take it?


  • 1,420 XP


Take the path southeast, past Vol'jin's Pride to reach a small Kirin Tor camp.


  1. B [20-40] An Audience With The Archmage
  2. B [20-40] Making Acquaintances
  3. Complete all of:
  4. B [20-40] Next Steps
  5. B [20-40] The Foot of the Fortress
  6. B [20-40] Dropping In
  7. Complete all of:
  8. B [20-40] The Final Step
  9. B [20-40] Due Cause to Celebrate
  10. B [20-40] Joining the Ranks (optional)

Patch changes

External links