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Image of Ambrose
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Night Watch
Occupation Member of the Night Watch
Location Roland's Doom
Status Deceased
WoW Comic logo.png
This article contains lore taken from the Warcraft manga or comics.

Ambrose was a human warrior and a member of the Night Watch militia.

He assisted Karlain and Revil Kost as they fought off the feral worgen at Manor Mistmantle in Duskwood. Afterwards, they traveled to Roland's Doom, where they faced Jitters and were attacked by Gorfang and Shagra. Ambrose swiftly dispatched them before they ventured into the mine. Inside, they discovered Gervase and his pack of worgen, who were in the process of transforming Karlain's son, Mardigan, into one of their own. To save his son, Karlain attacked the worgen. Revil and Ambrose joined the fight to support him. Unfortunately, Ambrose died in battle, and they arrived too late to prevent Mardigan from being bitten by Gervase.

After defeating their enemies, Karlain and Revil left the mine to bury Ambrose. While digging the grave, a rabid Mardigan in worgen form appeared over Ambrose's body, but Karlain subdued the worgen using his magic. Revil identified the worgen as Mardigan. He argued with Karlain to put Mardigan out of his misery and then finished burying Ambrose's body.[1]


  • He was called a huntsman and wielded a bow as well as a sword.
  • Revil described him as truly fighting as one of the Light's chosen warriors.
