Alterac Valley Graveyards

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For the anniversary version, see A [10-70P] Alterac Valley Graveyards.
AllianceAlterac Valley Graveyards
Start Sergeant Durgen Stormpike
End Sergeant Durgen Stormpike
Level 20-70
Type PvP
Category Alterac Valley
Experience 6600 EXP (or 39s at level 70)
Rewards 90s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-70P] The Graveyards of Alterac.


Assault a graveyard, then return to Sergeant Durgen Stormpike in the Alterac Mountains.

  • Graveyard Assaulted


The graveyards in Alterac Valley are prized territories. Both the Horde and the Alliance fight savagely for these sacred grounds. Are you, <name>, ready to join that fight?

I want you to assault an enemy graveyard. Find a graveyard with a Horde banner in its midst, and pull it from the ground! Do that, and your task will be complete....

But if you can also hold the graveyard for a few minutes, then our troops will soon come to relieve you.


You will receive:


<Name>, you have not yet assaulted a graveyard. Return to me when this task is complete!


Well done! Graveyards are vital to our control of Alterac Valley. When you capture one, you help ensure the Alliance's sovereignty here.

Go now, <name>. Reenter the battle, and if you see a graveyard under the Horde's control... you know what to do!

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