Alchemist Pestlezugg

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NeutralAlchemist Pestlezugg
Image of Alchemist Pestlezugg
Title <Alchemy Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gadgetzan
Occupation Alchemist
Location Gadgetzan, Tanaris[50, 26]
Status Alive
Old model.

Alchemist Pestlezugg is a goblin alchemy vendor located at Gadgetzan in Tanaris. This renowned alchemist sells all kinds of formulas to the better sort of alchemist for a price, because he still is a goblin.

He is worried about the presence of silithid around Tanaris and Un'Goro Crater. After finding out what the danger was, he became an opponent of the silithid, ready for a fight with poisons and gases.

In addition to his normal supplies, Alchemist Pestlezugg sells [Recipe: Nature Protection Potion] and [Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver] in a limited (1) supply.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

He was present during the Legion Invasions.


Item Cost
Alchemy vials and items
20x  [Crystal Vial] 4s
 [Distilled Death Extract] 9g

Limited quantity:


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.



In need of some alchemy supplies, are we? Or do you have other business with me?

Buy I would like to buy from you.

Patch changes

External links

Tanaris Legion Invasion