A Traitor's Due (Zaralek Cavern)

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NeutralA Traitor's Due
Start Sabellian
End Sabellian
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Embers of Neltharion
Experience 9,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] A Flame, Extinguished
Next N [70] Into the Dark


Defeat the Neltharion Loyalists.

  • Neltharion Loyalists slain (0/100%)


These sycophants shame themselves and the black dragonflight. It is clear that they are willing to die in service of my father's dark machinations.

Let us not disappoint them.


You will receive:


We will never erase this mark on our legacy. But there is no way forward while they yet live.


Wrathion's Blacktalon may not be front-line soldiers, but they should be able to take care of the rest.


Pick up both quests before heading in.

While running north, Wrathion and Sabellian have a conversation:

Wrathion says: I knew of Deathwing's corruption when I was still in the shell. But I had no idea how deeply it ran.
Sabellian says: Father... pursued his goals with relentless conviction. He was never fond of half measures.
Wrathion says: A trait you admired?
Sabellian says: In some ways, yes. But now, seeing what it can lead to, I am... less certain.

On the way, Talonstalker Kavia has a report:

Talonstalker Kavia says: Sirs!
Wrathion says: Your report?
Talonstalker Kavia says: Loyalists remain in the experiments wing, and the laboratories are still infested with warped beasts.
Sabellian says: And the other wing?
Talonstalker Kavia says: We're holding against the djaradin, but it is still heavily contested.
Wrathion says: Thank you, Kavia.

Speak with her:

Stay alert, <name>. There are more to contend with than just the Neltharion loyalists.

Head down the steps and Wrathion and Sabellian continue:

Sabellian says: Such twisted malevolence... the air is thick with it.
Wrathion says: That ends today. This is the final culling.
Sabellian says: Was it like this when you hatched? Were the others truly so far gone?
Wrathion says: Worse. They weren't haunted echoes he'd left behind. They were devoted followers of the bleak future he'd led them to.

Head northwest, defeating Obsidian bulwarks, magi, soldiers, tyrants, and tormentors with the help of the Blacktalon, Wrathion and Sabellian.

On the way, note the corpse of the Drained Djaradin, which starts N [70] Honorbound:

Sabellian says: What is this?

On accept of Honorbound:

Sabellian says: The djaradin are ruthless adversaries of our flight. But to be imprisoned and have their life siphoned away... it is too cruel a fate, even for our enemies.
Wrathion says: How long have they been here?
Sabellian says: Long enough.

Look for cages holding more Drained Djaradin and open the cage doors to free them. After the first:

Drained Djaradin says: If I die, let it be in battle!
Sabellian says: These pitiful creatures... did father truly hold so little regard for life?
Wrathion says: He cared only about forging a future in which the black dragonflight would be dominant.
Sabellian says: As... as I have done.
Wrathion says: You are not him, Sabellian. You wish to see our kind thrive, not dominate. It is an admirable pursuit.
Sabellian says: Thank you, Wrathion. But I must do better.

The second and beyond:

Drained Djaradin says: Finally... free...
The djaradin stumbles out of the cage, then falls forward as it breathes it's last.

The first specimen tanks for N [70] Remnants show up in the Onyx Laboratory, with some Inchoate Beastlings nearby. Use the provided  [Blacktalon Napalm] to destroy the tanks.


  1. N [70] A Flame, Extinguished
  2. N [70] Remnants, N [70] A Traitor's Due, & N [70] Honorbound
  3. N [70] Into the Dark
  4. N [70] All the Broken Pieces
  5. N [70] A Legacy, Reforged
  6. N [70] Symbol of Hope

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