A Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket (Alliance)

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The subject of this article or section is part of Noblegarden, a seasonal event that lasts one week. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceA Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket
Start Noblegarden Vendor
End Noblegarden Vendor
Level 1-80
Category Noblegarden
Rewards  [Egg Basket],  [Eagger Basket]
7g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-80] A Tisket, a Tasket, a Noblegarden Basket.


The Noblegarden Vendor wants you to collect 10 Noblegarden Chocolates and return them along with the Borrowed Egg Basket.


Here... take this  [Egg Basket] and go hunting for Brightly Colored Eggs. Return to me with the basket once you've found 10 Noblegarden Chocolates.


You will receive: 7g 40s
Inv misc easterbasket.png [Egg Basket] Inv misc easterbasket.png [Eagger Basket]


Do you have the ten Noblegarden Chocolates?


Well done! And here, please... keep the basket!

Remember, you can always return with more Noblegarden Chocolates to trade for additional items.


The eggs can be found relatively hidden in the following towns:

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