A Timely Summons from Northrend

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NeutralA Timely Summons from Northrend
Start Archmage Timear
End Vormu
Level 1-80
Category Dalaran
Experience 1,230
Rewards 1g 94s
Next N [30R] Disturbance Detected: Ulduar

A Timely Summons from Northrend is a timewalking quest from Archmage Timear in Dalaran above the Broken Isles.


Meet with Vormu in Dalaran above Crystalsong Forest.

  • Speak with Vormu in Dalaran


The blazing wanes in the shadow of a celestial mass, striking fear in to the seers. Seek out the sage Vormu in Dalaran, and lend her your aid.

No, not this Dalaran, the other one. Yes I know, it's terribly confusing.


We're behind schedule - let's get moving.


If you're picking this quest up from the Dalaran in the Broken Isles, the quickest means to get to the "other Dalaran" is to use the Vale of Eternal Blossoms portal in Alliance Greyfang Enclave / Horde Windrunner's Sanctuary. From there, you can use the faction shrine's portal on the upper level to the Dalaran in Northrend.

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