A Time to Lose

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Hallow's End
The subject of this article or section is part of Hallow's End, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceA Time to Lose
Start Keira
End Keira
Level 10-70
Type Daily
Category Hallow's End
Experience Varies
Rewards 3x  [Tricky Treat]
9g 92s 50c at level 90
Shareable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-70 Daily] A Time to Break Down.

This is a Hallow's End daily quest that sends the player to the Undercity to extinguish the Horde's Wickerman. Players are likely to be attacked by Horde players while completing it.


Use the Dousing Agent on the Wickerman in the Ruins of Lordaeron.


Well met, <class>. As we attempt to embrace the Wickerman ceremony, it is no surprise that the Horde would attempt to ruin our celebration.

Now the prudent course of action may be to rise above the conflict and simply ignore the attacks.

I admire those that take that high road, but I cannot help them. But for those that seek to strike back... I can hlep them. If you are interested, <class>, take this Dousing Agent and use it on the Horde's Wickerman in the Ruins of Lordaeron.


You will receive: 9g 92s 50c at level 90

Achievement halloween candy 01.png 3x [Tricky Treat]


Have you extinguished the Horde's Wickerman, <class>?


Ah, so it is done. A momentary setback, but if it is as annoying as their attacks have been, then it is worth it.

I spoke to the children about your adventure and they were very excited. They were impressed with your bravery to venture into enemy territory. They also seemed to get a kick out of the mischief that you helped bring about... Oh those little rascals...

They did want you to have some of these treats as a reward. Enjoy, <name>.


  • If you also are doing A [10-70 Daily] Stink Bombs Away!, you can logout while flying in Undercity, and when you login you will be at the graveyard outside Scarlet Monastery. This is especially useful when you don't have flight training.
  • The names of a related quest and this one combine to form the line "A time to gain, a time to lose", which is part of the song "Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There is a Season)". Their Horde counterparts' names form another line from the song, "A time to build up, a time to break down".

Patch changes

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