A Gift of Secrets

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NeutralA Gift of Secrets
Start Quartermaster Huseng
End Quartermaster Huseng
Level 10-70
Category Maruuk Centaur
Rewards  [Notebook of Crafting Knowledge]

A Gift of Secrets becomes available after reaching Renown 24 with the Maruuk Centaur.


<Name>, the heart of a centaur beasts within you... and you have shown greater dedication to your craft than we could ever have imagined.

When last we spoke of your <alchemy / blacksmithing / herbalism / leatherworking / skinning> skills, I shared the first portion of our masters' crafting wisdom. But you have proven there are no techniques you cannot master.

Here are the rest of their notes. I know you will make good use of them.


You will receive:
Inv 10 inscription2 book1 color5.png [Notebook of Crafting Knowledge]

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