A Brokered Deal

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NecrolordA Brokered Deal
Start Atticus
End Au'narim
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Weekly
Category Abominable Stitching
Experience 9,450
Reputation +750 Stitchmasters
Rewards  [Superior Parts]
 [Salvaged Supplies]


Recover the Broker Bauble.


Hey, <name>. I've found a lucrative business proposition that'll help me... us... greatly! See, Au'narim is willing to give us supplies if we can help him recover from a trade deal that went sideways.

Apparently, several of his cohorts never returned from a job. He needs us to follow their path and recover the item they failed to deliver. Simple, right?

To ensure we don't have any mishaps, I've taken the liberty of acquiring a few items that may be of help to us.

So, you in?


You will receive:

Tradeskill abominationstitching bodyparts.png [Superior Parts] Inv crate 06.png [Salvaged Supplies]


Did you find the item in question?


I knew the Maw Walker would deliver.

Criteria of


After using the portal, the player appears in the Chill's Reach. Find the dead Acquisition Facilitators, Specimen Purveyors, and Profit Evaluator.

Gossip text for broker bodies
  • <This broker appears to have died fighting.>
  • <They put up a good fight, but seemed unprepared for battle.>
  • <The snow bank offered little protection for this broker.>
  • <This injured broker almost reached the portal before they died.
There is no sign that he managed to find anything of value.>
Gossip Search the body.
You find nothing
After searching four brokers
So'mi says: I am so glad to see you, I thought I was doomed!
So'mi says: These creatures have swallowed the item, and will swallow us if we remain!

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Hey, <name>. I've found a lucrative business proposition that'll help me... us... greatly! See, Au'narim is willing to give us supplies if we can help him recover from a trade deal that went sideways.

Apparently, several of his cohorts failed to return from a job. He needs us to follow their path and recover the item they failed to deliver. Simple, we just get the goods and deliver.

To ensure we don't have any mishap, I've taken the liberty to acquire a few items that may help assist us.

So, you in?

Patch changes

External links