Chilled Crustburster

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MobChilled Crustburster
Image of Chilled Crustburster
Race Jormungar (Beast)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Chill's Reach
Status Killable
Pet family Worm

Chilled Crustbursters are jormungar located in Chill's Reach.


  • Spell frost frostbolt02.png Chilled Spittle — Inflicts 10 Frost damage on impact and an additional 1 Frost damage every 2 sec for 10 sec when not engaged in melee combat.
  • Spell hunter icetrap.png Frost Patch — A frosty patch blankets the ground, reducing movement speed and haste of players within the area.
  • Spell frost chillingblast.png Frozen Sweep — Fires a concentrated beam of frozen breath, inflicting 50 Frost damage to all players in the effect and freezing them in place.
  • Ability mage rayoffrost.png Frozen Sweep — Breaths a concentrated beam of ice, inflicting 50 Frost damage to all players caught in the blast.
  • Ability mage deepfreeze.png Ice Block — The target is frozen solid for 10 sec.
  • Spell mage frostbomb.png Unstable Frost — The caster hurls a rock of molten lava at a random enemy. When it lands a volcano forms that will inflict Fire damage to all enemies within its confines.
  • Spell mage frostbomb.png Unstable Frost — The caster unearths a dormant volcano near a player.

Objective of


  • We will make ashes of you all!


Although they are beast, they talk.

Patch changes

External links