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Added in 3.3.0

Returns info for a LFG random dungeon.

id, name, typeID, subtypeID, minLevel, maxLevel, recLevel, minRecLevel, maxRecLevel, expansionLevel, groupID, textureFilename, difficultyID, maxPlayers, description, isHoliday, bonusRepAmount, minPlayers, isTimeWalker, name2, minGearLevel, isScalingDungeon = GetLFGRandomDungeonInfo(index)


number - index of a LFG random dungeon, from 1 to GetNumRandomDungeons()


1. id
2. name
string - The name of the dungeon/event
3. typeID
number - 1=TYPEID_DUNGEON or LFR, 2=raid instance, 4=outdoor area, 6=TYPEID_RANDOM_DUNGEON
4. subtypeID
5. minLevel
number - Earliest level permitted to walk into the instance portal
6. maxLevel
number - Highest level permitted to walk into the instance portal
7. recLevel
number - Recommended level to queue for this dungeon
8. minRecLevel
number - Earliest level to queue for this dungeon
9. maxRecLevel
number - Highest level to queue for this dungeon
10. expansionLevel
number - Refers to GetAccountExpansionLevel() values
11. groupID
number - Unknown
12. textureFilename
string - For example "Interface\LFDFRAME\LFGIcon-%s.blp" where %s is the textureFilename value
13. difficultyID
number : DifficultyID
14. maxPlayers
number - Maximum players allowed
15. description
string - Usually empty for most dungeons but events contain descriptions of the event, like Love is in the Air daily or Brewfest, e.g. (string)
16. isHoliday
boolean - If true then this is a holiday event
17. bonusRepAmount
number - Unknown
18. minPlayers
number - Minimum number of players (before the group disbands?); usually nil
19. isTimeWalker
boolean - If true then it's Timewalking Dungeon
20. name2
string - Currently unknown. Note: seems to show the alternative name used by the Instance Lockout interface, as returned by GetSavedInstanceInfo().
21. minGearLevel
number - The minimum average item level to queue for this dungeon; may be 0 if item level is ignored.
22. isScalingDungeon

See also

  • GetSavedInstanceInfo - A similar function to this, except for the player's saved dungeon/raid lockout data (does not include Raid Finder)
  • GetSavedWorldBossInfo - A similar function to this, except for the player's saved world boss lockout data
  • GetRFDungeonInfo - Almost completely identical; this function uses Raid Finder indexes
  • GetLFGDungeonInfo - A more specific function; this lets you check up on specific LFG Dungeons
  • GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo - This lets you check up on the individual encounters within a given LFG Dungeon