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Added in 4.3.0

Returns info about a Raid Finder dungeon by index. Limited by player level and other factors, so only Raid Finder dungeons listed in the LFG tool can be looked up.

id, name, typeID, subtypeID, minLevel, maxLevel, recLevel, minRecLevel, maxRecLevel, expansionLevel, groupID, textureFilename, difficulty, maxPlayers, description, isHoliday, bonusRepAmount, minPlayers, isTimeWalking, name2, minGearLevel, isScaling, lfgMapID = GetRFDungeonInfo(index)


number - index of a Raid Finder dungeon, from 1 to GetNumRFDungeons()


1. id
number - Dungeon ID
2. name
string - The name of the dungeon/event
3. typeID
number - 1=TYPEID_DUNGEON or LFR, 2=raid instance, 4=outdoor area, 6=TYPEID_RANDOM_DUNGEON
4. subtypeID
5. minLevel
number - Earliest level you can enter this dungeon (using the portal, not LFD)
6. maxLevel
number - Highest level you can enter this dungeon (using the portal, not LFD)
7. recLevel
number - Recommended level to queue up for this dungeon
8. minRecLevel
number - Earliest level you can queue up for the dungeon
9. maxRecLevel
number - Highest level you can queue up for the dungeon
10. expansionLevel
number - Referring to GetAccountExpansionLevel() values
11. groupID
number - Unknown
12. textureFilename
string - For example "Interface\LFDFRAME\LFGIcon-%s.blp" where %s is the textureFilename value
13. difficulty
number - 0 for Normal and 1 for Heroic
14. maxPlayers
number - Maximum players allowed
15. description
string - Usually empty for most dungeons but events contain descriptions of the event, like Love is in the Air daily or Brewfest, e.g. (string)
16. isHoliday
boolean - If true then this is a holiday event
17. bonusRepAmount
number - Unknown
18. minPlayers
number - Minimum number of players (before the group disbands?); usually nil
19. isTimeWalking
boolean - If true then it's Timewalking Dungeon
20. name2
string - Returns the name of the raid
21. minGearLevel
number - The minimum average item level to queue for this dungeon; may be 0 if item level is ignored.
22. isScaling
23. lfgMapID
number : InstanceID


/dump GetRFDungeonInfo(1)
=> 417, "Fall of Deathwing", 1, 3, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 3, 0, "FALLOFDEATHWING", 1, 25, "Deathwing must be destroyed, or all is lost.", false, 0, nil, false, "Dragon Soul", 0, false, 967
/dump GetRFDungeonInfo(2)
=> 416, "The Siege of Wyrmrest Temple", 1, 3, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 3, 0, "SIEGEOFWYRMRESTTEMPLE", 1, 25, "Deathwing seeks to destroy Wyrmrest Temple and end the lives of the Dragon Aspects and Thrall.", false, 0, nil, false, "Dragon Soul", 0, false, 967

See also

  • GetNumRFDungeons - Counts of the number of Raid Finder dungeons the player can query with this function
  • GetSavedInstanceInfo - A similar function to this, except for the player's saved dungeon/raid lockout data (does not include Raid Finder)
  • GetSavedWorldBossInfo - A similar function to this, except for the player's saved world boss lockout data
  • GetLFGDungeonInfo - Almost completely identical; this function uses dungeon IDs instead of Raid Finder indexes
  • GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo - A more specific function; this lets you check up on the individual encounters within a given LFG Dungeon

Patch changes

Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.0 (2013-09-10): Now returns subtypeID, bonusRepAmount and minPlayers.
Cataclysm Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): Added.