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Returns info for an item in a container slot.

icon, itemCount, locked, quality, readable, lootable, itemLink, isFiltered, noValue, itemID, isBound = GetContainerItemInfo(bagID, slot)


number - BagID of the bag the item is in, e.g. 0 for your backpack.
number - index of the slot inside the bag to look up.


1. texture
number - The icon texture (FileID) for the item in the specified bag slot.
2. itemCount
number - The number of items in the specified bag slot.
3. locked
boolean - True if the item is locked by the server, false otherwise.
4. quality
number - The Quality of the item.
5. readable
boolean - True if the item can be "read" (as in a book), false otherwise.
6. lootable
boolean - True if the item is a temporary container containing items that can be looted, false otherwise.
7. itemLink
string - The itemLink of the item in the specified bag slot.
8. isFiltered
boolean - True if the item is grayed-out during the current inventory search, false otherwise.
9. noValue
boolean - True if the item has no gold value, false otherwise.
10. itemID
number - The unique ID for the item in the specified bag slot.
11. isBound
boolean - True if the item is bound to the current character, false otherwise.

Patch changes

Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): 9th and 10th return values added.
Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): First return value changed from a string texture path to a fileID.

See Also