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Added in 11.0.0

Returns the name of a spellbook item.

spellName, spellSubName = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(index, spellBank)


number - Spellbook slot index, ranging from 1 through the total number of spells across all tabs and pages
enum - Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player or Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Pet


string - Name of the spell as it appears in the spell book, e.g. "Lesser Heal"
string - The spell rank or sub type, e.g. "Grand Master", "Racial Passive". This can be an empty string. Note: for the Enchanting trade skill at rank Apprentice, the returned string contains a trailing space, i.e. "Apprentice ". This might be the case for other trade skills and ranks also. Not readily available on function call, see SpellMixin:ContinueOnSpellLoad()


Related API C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemInfo
  • This function will return nested flyout spells, but the names returned may not be functional (a hunter will see "Call <petname>" instead of "Call Pet 1" but "/cast Call <petname>" will not function in a macro or from the command line). Use care with the results returned.
  • Spell book information is first available after the SPELLS_CHANGED event fires.


Prints all spells in the spellbook for the player, except the profession tab ones.

for i = 1, C_SpellBook.GetNumSpellBookSkillLines() do
	local skillLineInfo = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookSkillLineInfo(i)
	local offset, numSlots = skillLineInfo.itemIndexOffset, skillLineInfo.numSpellBookItems
	for j = offset+1, offset+numSlots do
		local name, subName = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(j, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player)
		local spellID = select(2,C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemType(j, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player))
		print(i, j, name, subName, spellID)

API GetSpellBookItemName 01.png

Prints the spells shown in the profession tab.

for _, i in pairs{GetProfessions()} do
	local skillLineInfo = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookSkillLineInfo(i)
	local offset, numSlots = skillLineInfo.itemIndexOffset, skillLineInfo.numSpellBookItems
	for j = offset+1, offset+numSlots do
		local name, subName = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(j, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player)
		local spellID = select(2,C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemType(j, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player))
		print(i, j, name, subName, spellID)

> 7, 126, "Tailoring", "", 3908
> 8, 128, "Engineering", "", 4036
> 6, 122, "Cooking", "", 2550
> 6, 123, "Cooking Fire", "", 81

Prints the spells shown in the pet tab.

local numSpells, petToken = C_SpellBook.HasPetSpells()  -- nil if pet does not have spellbook, 'petToken' will usually be "PET"
for i=1, numSpells do
    local petSpellName, petSubType = C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(i, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Pet)
	local spellID = select(2,C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemType(i, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Pet))
    print("petSpellName", petSpellName)  --like "Dash"
    print("petSubType", petSubType) -- like "Basic Ability" or "Pet Stance"
    print("spellID", spellId)

Note that not all spells available from the API are shown in the spellbook.

local i = 1
while C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(i, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player) do
	print(i, C_SpellBook.GetSpellBookItemName(i, Enum.SpellBookSpellBank.Player))
	i = i + 1

Patch changes

The War Within Patch 11.0.0 (Beta): Added, replacement for GetSpellBookItemName.