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GitHub Octocat.png  Townlong-Yak BAD.png  ProfIcons engineering.png  BTNTemp.png C_PlayerChoice.GetCurrentPlayerChoiceInfo TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.pngDragonflight-Icon-Inline.png + 9.1.0
BTNTemp.png C_PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceInfo + 9.0.1, - 9.1.0
BTNTemp.png C_PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceOptionInfo + 9.0.1, - 9.1.0
BTNTemp.png C_PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceRewardInfo + 9.0.1, - 9.1.0
BTNTemp.png C_QuestChoice.GetQuestChoiceInfo + 8.1.0, - 9.0.1
BTNTemp.png C_QuestChoice.GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo + 8.1.0, - 9.0.1
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceInfo + 5.2.0, - 8.1.0
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo + 5.2.0, - 8.1.0
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceRewardCurrency + 5.2.0, - 9.0.1
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceRewardFaction + 5.2.0, - 9.0.1
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceRewardInfo + 5.2.0, - 9.0.1
BTNTemp.png GetQuestChoiceRewardItem + 5.2.0, - 9.0.1

Returns information about an offered quest choice option.

info = C_PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceOptionInfo(optionIndex)




Key Type Description
id number
responseIdentifier number
buttonText string
description string
header string
choiceArtID number
confirmation string?
widgetSetID number?
disabledButton boolean
desaturatedArt boolean
disabledOption boolean
groupID number?
headerIconAtlasElement string?
subHeader string?
buttonTooltip string?
rewardQuestID number?
soundKitID number?
hasRewards boolean
rarity Enum.PlayerChoiceRarity
rarityColor ColorMixin?
typeArtID number?
uiTextureKit string?
spellID number?
maxStacks number
Value Key Description
0 Common
1 Uncommon
2 Rare
3 Epic

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Moved to C_PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceOptionInfo()
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Moved to C_QuestChoice.GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo()
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.2.0 (2013-03-05): Added as GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo()