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Returns a version of a character-realm string suitable for use in a given context.

name = Ambiguate(fullName, context)


string - character-realm for a character, e.g. "Shion-DieAldor"
string - context the name will be used in, one of: "all", "guild", "mail", "none", or "short".


string - character or character-realm name combination that would be equivalent to fullName in the specified context.
Context Same Realm Different Realm
Same Guild Other Guild Same Guild Other Guild
all character character character character-realm
guild character character character character-realm
mail character-realm character-realm character-realm character-realm
none character character character-realm character-realm
short character character character character


  • If this a used on a character in the "guild" context, it will return in the character-realm format if there is another character in the same guild with the same name, but on a different realm.

Patch changes

Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.4.2 (2013-12-10): Added.