"Salty" Gorgar

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Horde"Salty" Gorgar
Image of "Salty" Gorgar
Title <General Goods>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar, Warchief's fleet
Location Forsaken Rear Guard, Silverpine Forest
Status Alive

"Salty" Gorgar is an orc vendor at the Forsaken Rear Guard in Silverpine Forest. He sells everything from bread to bleach.


Item Cost Type
 [Small Brown Pouch] 5s 6 slot
 [Brown Leather Satchel] 25s 8 slot
Inv hammer 20.png [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv drink 12.png [Bleach]
Inv potion 15.png [Blue Dye]
Inv fabric linen 03.png [Coarse Thread]
Inv misc flute 01.png [Copper Rod]
Inv alchemy leadedvial.png [Crystal Vial]
1s 20c
Inv fabric wool 02.png [Fine Thread]
Inv fishingpole 02.png [Fishing Pole]
Inv misc food 12.png [Freshly Baked Bread]
Inv potion 12.png [Green Dye]
Inv misc shovel 01.png [Herbalist's Spade]
Inv drink milk 01.png [Ice Cold Milk]
Inv box 02.png [Jeweler's Toolset]
6s 40c
Inv inscription papyrus.png [Light Parchment]
Inv misc food wheat 02.png [Mild Spices]
Inv pick 02.png [Mining Pick]
Inv misc monstertail 03.png [Nightcrawlers]
Inv potion 11.png [Red Dye]
Inv misc giftwrap 02.png [Red Ribboned Wrapping Paper]
Inv drink 07.png [Refreshing Spring Water]
Inv misc dust 02.png [Salt]
Inv misc orb 03.png [Shiny Bauble]
Inv tradeskillitem 01.png [Simple Wood]
Inv weapon shortblade 01.png [Skinning Knife]
Inv misc food 11.png [Tough Hunk of Bread]
Inv misc enggizmos 19.png [Virtuoso Inking Set]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02.png [Weak Flux]


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  • "Salty" Rocka yells: Hey over there! Hey! Hey! Over there! How'sh everything going Gororgararar?
  • "Salty" Gorgar yells: Hey, shtop bothering me. You're a dishgrace to us all. You can't even hold onto your own petsh!
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: HA! Shows how much you know. I left the critter back on the third ship!
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: Yoo hoo! "Shmaltzy!" Hey, why come your shupplies... Whe... Oh... Um... You got lots of boxes to keep track of...
  • "Salty" Gorgar yells: Maybe you should worry about your pet and not me! I'm taking care of my bishinesh jusht fine!
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: I didn't like that pet anyways. Beshides... people stop by all the time and give me their pets. If I lost one, it doesn't matter. I've got dozens more to lose!
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: Hey over there! Hey! Hey! Over there! How'sh everything going Gororgararar?
  • "Salty" Gorgar yells: Hey, shtop bothering me. You're a dishgrace to us all. You can't even hold onto your own petsh!
  • "Salty Rocka yells: My pet! Oh no! Uh... I am shure that pet is around here somewhere...
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: Hey "Salty" when are you going to get a new name? Thish town ain't big 'nough for two of ussh...
  • "Salty" Gorgar yells: It's "Salty!" I got here firsht! I got off the boat and onto land firsht! I called the name "Salty." Hey... Where's your pet at?
  • "Salty Rocka yells: Wait... whee is my pet? It's gone! No need to panic... Just need a quick drink and I can figure out where he went to.
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: "Malty!" Hey, "Malty!" I thought you were going to get us shome more booze! What'sh the hold up?
  • "Salty" Gorgar yells: "Shalty." That's my name! Your name should be "I can't hold onto petsh." I can't believe anyone would trusht you with a beasht.
  • "Salty Rocka yells: I didn't like that pet anyways. Beshides... people stop by all the time and give me their pets. If I lost one, it doesn't matter. I've got dozens more to lose!
  • "Salty" Rocka yells: Pssst! Pssst! Hey! "Pepper!" Are you done hording all the shupplies! You shee what i just did? Horde... For the horde!

Patch changes

External links