Zero Xuks Given

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HordeZero Xuks Given
Start Bony Xuk
End Spirit of Bony Xuk
Level 15-40
Category Gorgrond
Rewards 14,100 XP
18g 90s


Speak with Bony Xuk to observe him communing with Gro the Uncreator.


The spirits have spoken to me. They believe the magnaron, Gro the Uncreator, will join our fight and lead his underlings against the Iron Horde.

This is an honor beyond any bestowed upon a Laughing Skull, at least in my time.

I will commune with the magnaron, and together we shall destroy the Iron Horde.


The spirits of my ancestors have betrayed me! Their skulls are surely laughing.


  • You will receive: 18g 90s

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