Your Death Or Mine

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NeutralYour Death Or Mine
Start Elder Amir
End Elder Amir
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Zereth Mortis
Experience 8,150
Rewards Varies
6g 17s 50c


Punisher Makaris
Creator of many of the traps in Torghast. Has begun to spread them to Zereth Mortis.

Slay Punisher Makaris and collect 6 Sacred Relics.


We have obtained a wealth of information from relics discovered at the Ageless Shards.

The Mawsworn are aware of our discoveries, and are trying to stop us. They have placed traps around the area to block access to the relics.

We cannot allow the Jailer to cut off our access to those relics.

Please eliminate this Mawsworn threat, and recover as many relics as possible.


You will receive:

  • 8,150 XP
  • 6g 17s 50c

And a combination of three from:


Have you secured the relics at the Ageless Shards?


Blessed be your effort!


Upon engaging Punisher Makaris
Punisher Makaris says: Watch your step, it will be your last!
Upon defeating Punisher Makaris
Punisher Makaris says: I leave you with these.

Patch changes

External links