You Have Been Challenged (quest)

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Not to be confused with  [You Have Been Challenged].
NeutralYou Have Been Challenged
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type World Quest
Category Stormheim
Reputation +75 Valarjar
Rewards Varies


  • Challengers defeated (4)


Ashildir says: There are those among the Valkyra who wish to test you in single combat. Go to Skold-Ashil and face them in battle. None shall attack until you strike the first blow.


Ashildir says: Only the greatest of the Valkyra are worthy of Eyir's gift.



Triggered in Skold-Ashil. This quest will also make all the regular mobs neutral, so this would be an excellent time to find something in the area, or target a specific mob in the town without having to deal with aggressive mobs.

Out in front of the Vault of Eyir is the Challenge Horn. Using it will summon the first of the four challengers, in a set order. It doesn't matter which ones you kill, as long as you get four kills. (You could, for example, kill Bretta the Bold four times if you wanted.) Joining in the middle of killing someone else's mobs means you will have to wait for the horn to be usable again to get more challengers.

Should this happen, you won't have to kill more than your required number: if not engaged, the challenger will despawn after a time, and the horn will reset after a couple of minutes.

Bretta the Bold

Champion! Know that you face Bretta, the herald of your doom.
Eyir! Witness my deeds as I slice down this so-called champion.
I go... to the halls... of valor.

Froijla Axebearer

I shall claim the honor of your death.
I go to face my destiny...

Lafayla Mightblade

I shall claim the honor of your death.
Eyir... guide me to your side.

Silent Shale

I shall stain this ground with your blood.

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