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Yngvild the Watcher

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NeutralYngvild the Watcher
Image of Yngvild the Watcher
Gender Female
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 45
Class Hunter[citation needed] 
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Jandvik vrykul
Location Jandvik, Suramar
Status Alive


During N [45] Fate of the Tideskorn:

I'm keeping my eye on you, outsider.

Gossip Have any vrykul passed through here that struck you as odd?

As a matter of fact, yes there is.
A wandering shieldmaiden came through just recently, and has set up camp outside of town. She stayed only long enough to purchase supplies and avoided all eye contact while she was here.
I was going to check on her to find out her business here, but you are welcome to go in my stead. You'll find her camped on the beach to the east.

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