Yazmina Oakenthorn

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Not to be confused with Anchorite Yazmina.
NeutralYazmina Oakenthorn
Image of Yazmina Oakenthorn
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 8-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Argent Dawn
Location Chapel of the Crimson Flame, Scarlet Enclave
Status Killable

Yazmina Oakenthorn is a night elven member of the Argent Dawn and was taken prisoner by the Scarlet Crusade in the Scarlet Enclave. When the death knights of Acherus invaded the Enclave, the prisoners traded owners.

Kaldorei death knights have a chance to execute Oakenthorn.

Her speech while the quest is in progress is arguably the saddest one can find in the game. The player, as a death knight, is ordered to end her life by a Scourge officer. Before blood is drawn, however, she mentions being the player's caretaker in his/her infancy, while his/her mother served at the Temple of the Moon. Realizing her life is forfeit, she orders the player to kill her, in the hopes of avoiding the player from being killed him/herself from failing to do the task.

Objective of


Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Come to finish the job, have you?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: I'd like to stand for...
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: <Name>?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: <Name>, I'd recognize that face anywhere... What... What have they done to you <name>?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: You don't remember me? When you were a child your mother would leave you in my care while she served at the Temple of the Moon. I held you in my arms and fed you with honey and sheep's milk to calm you until she would return. You were my little angel. Blasted Scourge... What have they done to you, <name>?
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: You must remember the splendor of life, <brother/sister>. You were a champion of the Kaldorei once! This isn't you!
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Listen to me, <name>. You must fight against the Lich King's control. He is a monster that wants to see this world - our world - in ruin. Don't let him use you to accomplish his goals. You were once a hero and you can be again. Fight, damn you! Fight his control!
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: There... There's no more time for me. I'm done for. Finish me off, <name>. Do it or they'll kill us both. <Name>... Remember Teldrassil, our beloved home. This world is worth saving.
Yazmina Oakenthorn says: Do it, <name>! Put me out of my misery!

Patch changes

External links

es:Yazmina Cuerno de Roble